


发布时间:2021年05月20日 13:28 点击量:







2011年本科毕业于西北农林科技大学,2016年博士毕业于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学食品科学与技术专业,并在此进行了博士后深造。2019年起在加拿大第一大无麸质无过敏原食品企业Kinnikinnick任首席研发科学家。2021年4月通过高层次人才引进加入宁波大学食品与药学学院,担任副教授,并获得王宽诚青年学者基金。已在国际核心期刊发表SCI论文和专著10余篇。长期担任国际学术期刊Food Chemistry的审稿人并获得优秀审稿人称号。为国际食品科学与技术协会,北美肉类协会及食品科技协会会员。








“Development and understanding the efficacy of advanced technologies for mycotoxin detection and degradation in feed materials”


“Protein and functionality Enhancement of Allergen-Free Baked Goods”


“Value-added applications of pulse proteins for human foods”


“New product development and product improvements for the Asian fusion food market”



Du, L., Prasad, A., Gänzle, M. & Roopesh, M. S. (2020). Inactivation of Salmonella spp. in wheat flour by 395 nm LED and the related functional and structural changes of gluten. Food Research International, 127,108716. (IF=4.437,中科院一区)

Du, L., Chaplot, S., Misra N. N. & Roopesh, M. S. (2019). Recent advances in cold plasma technology research for food processing applications. In: Trends in Food Processing (Book chapter, submitted).

Du, L. & Betti, M. (2016). Identification and evaluation of cryoprotective peptides from chicken collagen: Ice growth inhibition activity compared to type I antifreeze proteins in sucrose model systems. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64 (25), 5232–5240. (IF=3.571,中科院一区)

Du, L. & Betti, M. (2016). Chicken collagen hydrolysate cryoprotection of natural actomyosin: Mechanism studies during freeze-thaw cycles and simulated digestion. Food Chemistry, 15 (211), 791-802. (IF=5.488,中科院一区)

Du, L. & Betti, M. (2015). Cryoprotective property of chicken collagen hydrolysate on isolated actomyosin, presented in AMSA conference in Lincoln, also published on Meat Science 2016, 112, 124. (IF=3.919,中科院一区)

Du, L., Keplová, L., Khiari, Z. & Betti, M. (2014). Preparation and characterization of gelatin from collagen biomass obtained through a pH-shifting process of mechanically separated turkey meat. Poultry Science, 93, 989-1000. (IF=2.537,中科院二区Top 期刊)

Du, L., Khiari, Z., Pietrasik, Z. & Betti, M. (2013). Physicochemical and functional properties of gelatins extracted from turkey and chicken heads. Poultry Science, 92, 2463–2474.(IF=2.537,中科院二区Top 期刊)

Prasad, A., Du, L., Zubair, M., Subedi, S., Ullah, A. & Roopesh, M. S (2020). Application of light emitting diodes (LED) in food processing and water treatment. Food Engineering Reviews, 12, 268–289. (IF=5.340,中科院二区Top期刊)

Subedi, S., Du, L., Prasad, A., Yadav, B. & Roopesh, M. S (2020). Inactivation of Salmonella and quality changes in wheat flour after pulsed light-emitting diode (LED) treatments. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 121, 166- 177. (IF=3.518,中科院二区)

Liu, Z., Xiang, Q., Du, L., Song, G., Wang, Y. & Liu, X. (2013). The interaction of sesamol with DNA and cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and localization in HepG2 cells. Food Chemistry, 141, 1, 289-296. (IF=5.488,中科院一区)

Du, L. & Betti, M. (2015). Cryoprotective property of chicken collagen hydrolysate on isolated actomyosin. AMSA conference, Lincoln.

Du, L. & Betti, M. (2014). Cryoprotective peptides derived from chicken skin collagen. IUFoST conference, Montreal.

Du, L., Khiari, Z. & Betti, M. (2013). Characterization of gelatin obtained from the collagen biomass during acid-aided solubilization process of mechanically separated turkey meat (MSTM). IFT conference, Chicago.

Subedi, S., Prasad, A., Du, L.,Gänzle, M., & Roopesh, M. S. (2019). Comparative Study of 275, 365, 395 and 455 nm Pulsed Light Emitting Diode treatments for microbial inactivation at low water activity conditions. IFT conference, New Orleans.