姓名:夏 强
联系方式: [email protected]
l 个人简介
民盟盟员,2018年12月毕业于上海交通大学,获工学博士学位,英国女王大学联合培养博士;主持国家自然科学基金(面上、青年)、浙江省自然科学基金、宁波市公益性研究计划、国家重点实验室开放基金等项目,参与 “十三五”与“十四五”国家重点研发与国家科技支撑计划等课题;特邀担任Food Research International(IF 7.425,中科院一区Top期刊)编委、Wiley期刊Food Biomacromolecules副主编、Elsevier期刊Food and Humanity与Springer期刊Current Food Science and Technology Reports创刊编委、Frontiers in Nutrition(IF 6.576,中科院二区)编辑、Frontiers in Nutrition 客座编辑、Journal of Future Foods和《肉类研究》青年编委;累计发表学术论文100余篇,在Bioresour. Technol.、Ultrason. Sonochem.、Carbohydr. Polym.、Trends Food Sci. & Technol.、Curr. Opin Food Sci.等主流期刊发表一作/通讯作者 SCI 论文近50篇,5篇ESI 高被引论文,1篇ESI热点论文。
参编学术专著3本,撰写英文章节5章;教改论文2篇;申请国家发明专利20余件,已授权7件;多次参加国内国际会议作口头报告并发表会议论文1篇;近5年作为Trends Food Sci. & Technol.、Food Chem.、Food Res. Int.、中国农业科学、现代食品科技、食品安全质量检测学报等30余个国内外期刊审稿人,SCI杂志Process Biochem、Food Res Int “杰出审稿人奖”。
l 主要研究内容
(1). 畜产食品品质形成机理与调控技术
(2). 畜禽加工副产物资源化利用技术研发
(3). 微生物代谢重编程与发酵性能挖掘
l 承担科研项目
(1). 国家自然科学基金,2025-2028,主持
(2). 国家自然科学基金,2022-2024,主持
(3). 浙江省自然科学基金,2020-2022,主持
(4). 浙江省自然科学基金,2024-2026,主持
(5). 宁波市自然科学基金,2019-2020,主持
(6). 宁波市公益性研究计划项目,2023-2025,主持
(7). 浙江省属高校基本科研业务费,2024-2025,主持
l 近期代表性论文
(1). Han, C., Zheng, Y., Huang, S., Xu, L., Zhou, C., Sun, Y., Wu, Z., Wang, Z., Pan, D., Cao, J.X.* & Xia, Q.* Exploring the binding mechanisms of thermally and ultrasonically induced molten globule-like β-lactoglobulin with heptanal as revealed by multi-spectroscopic techniques and molecular simulation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 263, 130300.
(2). Cheng, Y., Zheng, Y., Cai, X., Wang, L., Zhou, C., Cao, J., Pan, D.*, Wu, Z.*, & Xia, Q.* Effect of pre-acidification induction on the physicochemical features, myofibrillar protein microstructure, and headspace volatiles of ready-to-cook goose meat. Food Research International, 2024, 197, 115166.
(3). Yu, H., Zheng, Y., Lou, K., Zhou, C., Cao, J., Du, L., Sun, Y., He, J., Pan, D., Cai, Z. * & Xia, Q.* Proposing moderate unfolding of interfacial proteins to enhance the techno-functional features of complex microgel particles formed by whey protein-chitooligosaccharide conjugation. Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 156, 110329.
(4). Han, C., Zhou, C., Wang, J., Du, L., Pan, D., Cao, J. and Xia, Q.* Relating specific conformational transitions with the interaction mechanisms of thermally pretreated β-lactoglobulin with volatile aldehydes-ketones. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2024, 1313, 138709.
(5). Zhang, X., Zheng, Y., Zhou, C., Cao, J., Pan, D., Cai, Z., Wu, Z. * & Xia, Q. * Comparative physiological and transcriptomic analysis of sono-biochemical control over post-acidification of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. Food Microbiology, 2024, 122, 104563.
(6). Zhang, X., Zheng, Y., Zhou, C., Cao, J., Zhang, Y., Wu, Z., Pan, D., Cai, Z. * & Xia, Q.* Combining thermosonication microstress and pineapple peel extract addition to achieve quality and post-acidification control in yogurt fermentation. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2024, 105, 106857.
(7). Yu H, Zheng Y, Zhou C, Liu L, Wang L, Cao J, Sun YY, He J, Pan DD, Cai ZD*, and Xia Q* Tunability of Pickering particle features of whey protein isolate via remodeling partial unfolding during ultrasonication-assisted complexation with chitosan/chitooligosaccharide. Carbohydrate Polymers 2024, 325: 121583.
l 讲授课程
l 学生工作经历
本科生 “大学生科研创新计划”(SRIP)项目5项,指导教师
l 所属学科及招生专业